Product Code TM 1734

  • Description

    Grove and Randall have elucidated the antibiotic assays and medias in their comprehensive treatise on antibiotic assays. Antibiotic assay Medium No. 3 is used as the broth medium in turbidimetric or serial dilution assay of a wide variety of antibiotics. This medium is formulated in accordance with The United States Pharmacopoeia.
    Turbidimetric antibiotic assay is based on the change or inhibition of growth of a test microorganims in a liquid medium containing a uniform concentration of an antibiotic. After incubation of the test organism in the working dilutions of the antibiotics, the amount of growth is determined by measuring the light transmittance using spectrophotometer. The concentration of antibiotic is determined by comparing amounts of growth obtained with that given by the reference standard solutions. Use of this method is appropriate only when test samples are clear.

  • Principle

    for turbidimetric or serial dilution assay of various antibiotics

  • Microorganism

    • Enterococcus hirae
    • Escherichia coli
    • Klebsiella pneumoniae
    • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Industry

    • Pharmaceutical
  • Regulation

    • USP
  • Pack Size

    • 100 gm
    • 500 gm
  • Downloads

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