Product Code TM 973

  • Description

    Blue green algae are a type of photosynthetic bacteria, called Cyanobacteria that rely on sunlight for energy. They are present in almost all aquatic ecosystems, including creeks, rivers, lakes and wetlands. Algal blooms can cover large areas of a water supply. Like all photosynthetic organisms, blue-green algae rely on sunlight for energy, with their growth rate determined by the level of nutrients available in the water. Cyanophycean Agar is used for the isolation and cultivation of blue green algae.

  • Principle

    for isolation and cultivation of Blue Green algae

  • Microorganism

    • Anabena cylindrica
    • Anacystis nidulans
    • Plectonema boryanum
  • Industry

    • Agriculture
  • Pack Size

    • 500 gm
  • Downloads

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