Product Code TM 2091

  • Description

    Anaerobic bacteria are widely distributed in nature in oxygen-free habitats. When collecting specimens from patients for isolation and identification of anaerobic bacteria associated with infections, care should be taken that the specimens should be free of contaminating bacteria. Material from sites that are normally sterile, such as blood, spinal fluid, or pleural fluid, poses no problem provided the usual precautions are taken to decontaminate the skin properly before puncturing it to obtain the specimen. Fecal specimens, sputum specimens, or vaginal secretions cannot be cultured routinely for pathogenic anaerobes because they normally contain other aerobic organisms. Aspirates from abscesses or the specific sites of infections must be obtained in these cases to avoid undue contamination with indigenous flora components.
    Forget-Fredette Agar is based on the formulation described by Fredette et al and Forget and Fredette, and it is used for selective isolation of anaerobic microorganisms from a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic flora. Forget and Fredette employed this medium to study the anaerobic flora in chronic nasal sinusitis.

  • Principle

    for selective isolation of anaerobic microorganisms from a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic ?ora

  • Microorganism

    • Clostridium perfringens
    • Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Industry

    • Clinical Diagnostics
  • Pack Size

    • 500 gm
  • Downloads

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