Product Code TMK 374

  • Description

    HARTLEY`S DIGEST BROTH is used for cultivation of various bacteria from blood especially of Streptococci and Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Hartley?s Digest Broth is prepared as per the method described by Cruickshank by the tryptic digestion of de-fatted, fresh ox-heart under controlled conditions. Hartley described the value of tryptic digest of muscle for the production of diphtheria toxin. Since then it is used as a general-purpose broth, capable of initiating the growth of demanding (fastidious) organisms from a small inocula. Hartley?s Digest Broth can be used for the recovery of fastidious organisms such as Group A, C, G Streptococci and Streptococcus pneumoniae from small inocula.

  • Microorganism

    • Corynebacterium diphtheriae
    • Streptococci
  • Industry

    • Clinical Diagnostics
  • Pack Size

    • 25ml x 50(Paediatric)
    • 50ml x 25(Adult)
  • Downloads

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