Product Code TM 179

  • Description

    M-FC Agar Base, Modified is used for the enumeration of Klebsiella using membrane filter technique. Klebsiella are widely distributed in nature, occurring in soil, water, grains, vegetation etc. Wood pulp, paper mills, textile finishing plants and sugarcane processing operations contain large numbers of Klebsiella in their effluents and are often in the predominant coliform in such effluents. M-FC Agar, modified is formulated as per APHA for enumeration of Klebsiella. M-FC Agar is modified by replacing lactose by inositol and adding Carbenicillin.

  • Principle

    for detection & enumeration of Klebsiella in water by membrane ?lter technique

  • Microorganism

    • Enterobacter aerogenes
    • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Industry

    • Water
  • Pack Size

    • 500 gm
  • Downloads

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