Product Code TM 2225

  • Description

    MacConkey Agar is the earliest selective and differential medium for cultivation of enteric microorganisms from a variety of clinical specimens. Subsequently MacConkey Agar and Broth have been recommended for use in microbiological examination of foodstuffs and for direct plating/inoculation of water samples for coliform counts. These media are also accepted by the Standard Methods for the Examination of Milk and Dairy Products and pharmaceutical preparations.
    MacConkey Agar II w/o CV is the selective and differential medium. This media is specially designed to improve the inhibition of swarming Proteus species and to achieve more definitive differentiation of lactose fermenters. Lactose non-fermenting strains, such as Shigella and Salmonella are colourless and transparent and typically do not alter appearance of the medium. Yersinia enterocolitica may appear as small, non-lactose fermenting colonies after incubation at room temperature.

  • Principle

    for selective isolation and di?erentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting enteric bacteria

  • Microorganism

    • Enterococcus faecalis
    • Escherichia coli
    • Klebsiella aerogenes
    • Proteus vulgaris
    • Salmonella Enteritidis
    • Salmonella Paratyphi A
    • Salmonella Paratyphi B
    • Salmonella typhi
    • Salmonella Typhimurium
    • Shigella flexneri
  • Industry

    • Clinical Diagnostics
    • Food & Beverages
    • Pharmaceutical
    • Water
  • Pack Size

    • 500 gm
  • Categories

    • Dehydrated Culture Media
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