Product Code TM 2416

  • Description

    V. vulnificus has been reported to be an important cause of death due to seafood consumption or after wound infections originating from marine environment. Vibrio species in general are alkalophilic and grow well in the presence of relatively high levels of bile salts. This necessitates the used of formulations with alkaline pH for their isolation and identification. Different methods used for the confirmation of Vibrio species include physical, biochemical and serological assays. V.vulnificus resembles V. parahaemolyticus on TCBS agar, but can be differentiated by several biochemical reactions, including beta-galactosidase activity. Identification using oligo nucleotides have also been recommented for the specific identification of the species. The oligonucleotide scheme includes both MPN and direct plating methods followed by hybridization with DNA probes for colony identification. CPC Agar Base, Alkaline peptone water and TCBS Agar are the most used formulations for the isolation of Vibrios.

  • Principle

    for identi?cation of Vibrio in accordance with FDA BAM, 1998

  • Microorganism

    • Vibrio vulnificus
  • Industry

    • Food & Beverages
    • Water
  • Pack Size

    • 100 gm
  • Downloads

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